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MCS-011 Problem Solving and Programming: Part-1- Introduction To Algorithm

Algorithm An algorithm is a finite set of steps defining the solution of a particular problem. It is expressed in pseudo code, but with some statements in English rather than in the Programming Language. As we know there are many ways to solve a problem, programmers seek to create the most effective algorithms possible. By using highly-efficient algorithms, developers can ensure their programs run as fast as possible and use minimum system resources. Example 1 Lets try to develop an algorithm to compute and display the sum of two numbers: START Read two numbers a and b. Calculate the sum of a and b and store it in sum. Display the value of  sum . STOP Example 2 Algorithm to calculate the Factorial of a given number: START Read the number  n. [Initialization] i <- 1, fact <- 1 Repeat steps 4 through 6 until i = n; fact <- fact * i i <- i * 1 Print fact This is all for this Blog, we will learn more about Algorithms in the coming blogs. Keep v